Ribera understands quality as a fundamental part of the organization's strategy aimed at achieving operational excellence by improving health outcomes, increasing the satisfaction of citizens or other stakeholders and the sustainability of the system. And as part of the strategy, quality is present in each and every one of the fundamental areas of the organization.
Ribera defines the quality strategy centrally and then adapts it locally in each of the organizations in which it has management responsibility. In this way, it is committed to implementing a transversal and strategic quality model.
Ribera seeks to create an organization centered on the user, that has the most advanced technology, made up of highly motivated professionals and that effectively manages its resources.
In this sense, there is a corporate team destined to define the global strategy in terms of quality. This team is completed with local leaders in each of the areas of action.
Policy definition
- Promote the philosophy of the mission of the integrated health organization always with the objective of satisfying health needs in the most efficient and effective way possible.
- Enhance, maintain and continuously improve quality under a unique and differentiating quality model.
- Improve the preventive approach to patient safety to improve performance and follow up on actions to ensure that the desired results are achieved and sustained.
- Promote communication and transparency; presenting department performance evaluation reports to administration, users/citizens and professionals
- Promote specific measures to guarantee the competence and good practice of professionals through privileges, accreditation, orientation, training and continuous training.
- Provide continuous supervision in the environmental area, promoting continuous improvement in this area.
- Build transversal systems to give the best care to the citizen throughout the entire process
- To be a benchmark in research and teaching, contributing to scientific advances and training new professionals in a highly competitive environment.
- To become a national and international benchmark for health management.
- Loyalty of the population thanks to a satisfactory experience
- Betting on technological development and innovation aimed at the continuous improvement of processes, products, services.
- Promote synergies in products, suppliers and purchasing processes that guarantee control and efficiency of purchasing management, generating significant savings directly in purchase prices, and indirectly through management cost reductions.
- Improve processes and services, optimizing resources and increasing their value.
- Achieve the economic viability of the project as an essential support to develop the previous points.
- Comply with all applicable legal requirements, those of the applicable certifications and accreditations and others established by the organization.
- Promote the fulfillment of objectives at all levels of the Organization.
V11. June 2024
Ribera understands quality as a fundamental part of the organization's strategy that aims to achieve operational excellence through excellent health results, increased satisfaction of citizens and other interested parties, and sustainability of the system. And as part of the strategy, quality is present in each of the key areas of the organization.
Ribera defines the quality strategy centrally and then adapts it locally in each organization that has management responsibility, thus implementing a transversal and strategic quality model.
Ribera aims to create a non-user focused organization with high-quality technology, highly motivated professionals and efficient resource management.
In this respect, there is a business team in charge of defining a global quality strategy. This team is complemented by local leaders in each of the areas of action.
Definition of politics
- Promote the philosophy of the missão of the integrated health organization always with the objective of satisfying
health needs in the most efficient and effective way possible.
- To continually improve, maintain and improve quality based on a unique and differentiating quality model.
- Improve the preventive approach to safety and improve performance and accompanying actions to ensure that the desired results are achieved and sustained.
- Promotion of communication and transparency; presentation of reports of evaluation of the performance of the department to administration, users/cities and professionals.
- Promote specific measures to ensure competence and good professional practices through privileges, accreditation, orientation, training and continuing education.
- Provide continuous supervision in the environmental area, promoting continuous improvement in this area.
- Build transversal systems to provide the best care to citizens throughout the entire process.
- To be a reference in research and education, contributing to scientific advances and training new professionals in a highly competitive environment.
- Become a national and international reference for health management.
- Build public loyalty through a satisfying experience.
- Commitment to technological development and innovation with a view to continuous excellence in processes, products and services.
- Promote synergies in products, suppliers and purchasing processes that guarantee control and efficiency in purchasing management, generating significant gains directly in purchasing prices, and indirectly through reductions in management costs.
- Improve processes and services, optimizing resources and increasing their value.
- Consider the economic viability of the project as an essential support for the development of two previous points.
- Comply with all the applicable legal requirements, the certifications and accreditations applied and others established by the organization.
- Promote the achievement of objectives at all levels of the organization.
V11. June 2024
Commitment to the environment is increasingly valued by the community and is a key part of an organization's corporate social responsibility. For this reason, contributing to keeping the environment in optimal conditions and not damaging it is a Ribera commitment. The good health of the population is linked to the environment that surrounds us, for a health organization it must be essential to take care of it.
Policy definition
Ribera, a socially responsible organization assumes that sustainable development is linked to the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution, for this reason it undertakes to include an environmental policy in all its activities, aware that the improvement of the environment is also beneficial in the health of the population.
For this reason, it undertakes to follow the following guidelines:
- Comply with all applicable legal environmental and energy requirements and others established by the organization.
- Raise awareness and encourage workers and users in the implementation and maintenance of initiatives and good environmental practices.
- Gradually include environmental requirements in purchasing decisions and acquisition of products and equipment.
- Promote everyone's commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance.
- Work to reduce the environmental impacts related to the activity.
V11. June 2024
Ribera understands patient safety as an essential part of the objective of continuous improvement in the quality of care.
Ribera defines the patient safety strategy centrally and then adapts it locally in each of the organizations in which he has management responsibility.
Ribera seeks to create an organization focused on reducing adverse events and continuous learning when they have occurred.
In this sense, there is a corporate team destined to define the global strategy in terms of patient safety. Said team is completed with local leaders in each of the areas of action, and it is they who, together with the management team of each center, implement it.
Policy definition
Ribera assumes the recommendations of the main organizations, both national and international, in relation to patient safety. He establishes the concept of risk management from a reactive and proactive approach, taking as main sources of information: patient experience, safety culture studies, risk maps, scientific publications, health alerts, participation in studies of interest, adverse event reporting systems, and indicators related to patient safety.
Starting from this base, Ribera defends a patient safety model whose guiding principles will be the following:
- Promote the improvement of quality and safety culture as one of the key objectives of the organization, as well as guarantee safe and efficient care processes.
- Implement, among others, the recommendations of the International Joint Commission. Especially his international goals in patient safety: correctly identify the patient, improve effective communication, improve safety in the use of high-risk medication, guarantee surgery in the right place with the right procedure and the right patient, reduce risk of infections associated with health care and reduce the risk of injury to the patient caused by falls.
- Promote the preventive approach to patient safety by incorporating management tools that facilitate it.
- Promote and implement measures focused on achieving the goal "ZERO HARM" to the patient.
- Promote the active participation of professionals in the notification of incidents, their analysis and implementation of the derived improvement plans, always promoting a non-punitive culture
- Guarantee the continuous monitoring of patient safety indicators, trend analysis and promote communication by presenting indicators status evaluation reports, incident analysis and actions related to patient safety.
- Betting on technological development and innovation aimed at improving patient safety.
- Facilitate ongoing training for professionals in safe clinical practices and risk management.
- Comply with all applicable legal requirements, those of the applicable certifications and accreditations and others established by the organization.
V11. June 2024
Ribera understands the prevention and control of infections as an essential part of the objective of continuous improvement in the quality of care.
Ribera defines the infection prevention and control strategy centrally and then adapts it locally in each of the organizations in which he has management responsibility.
Ribera seeks to create an organization focused on reducing healthcare-associated infections (IRAS) and continuous learning when it has occurred
In this sense, there is a corporate team destined to define the global strategy in terms of infection prevention and control. Said team is completed with local leaders in each of the areas of action, and it is they who, together with the management team of each center, implement it.
Policy definition
The management and control of infections in the health field represents a fundamental pillar in the approach to Patient Safety. All the professionals who carry out their daily activity in the health field, as well as the users of the system, are key elements to take into account in the development of health quality policies.
To address this challenge, Ribera assumes the main international and national recommendations. The World Alliance for Patient Safety and associated experts have formulated strategies that would help reduce healthcare-associated infections. The Global Challenge for Patient Safety endorses these strategies and promotes specific actions and interventions that have direct effects in terms of healthcare-associated infections and patient safety.
Starting from this base, Ribera defends an infection prevention and control model whose guiding principles will be the following:
- Promote quality improvement, safety culture and infection prevention and control, as one of the key objectives of the organization, as well as guarantee safe and efficient care processes.
- Reduce the incidence of infections associated with Health Care in the hospital and community setting.
- Unify criteria for action in the prevention of infections.
- Implement specific actions in areas of greatest impact, prioritizing: environmental biosafety in areas of special risk, hand hygiene and proper use of gloves, proper use of antiseptics, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of sanitary material, waste management, cleaning of centers, notification of notifiable diseases, action on suspicion of emerging diseases, health coordination in vaccination management, prevention of infection during works in health centers, clean-dirty circuits, surgical prophylaxis, surveillance of surgical site infections, epidemiological surveillance studies, health isolation, optimization program for use of antimicrobials.
- Promote the participation of the professionals involved through committees and specific working groups
- Promote the preventive approach to infection by incorporating management tools that facilitate it.
- Promote the active participation of professionals in the notification of incidents related to infection, their analysis and implementation of the derived improvement plans, always promoting a non-punitive culture
- Guarantee the continuous monitoring of the IRAS indicators, the analysis of trends and promote communication by presenting evaluation reports on the status of indicators, analysis of incidents and actions related to infection related to health care.
- Betting on technological development and innovation aimed at improving nosocomial infection
- Facilitate ongoing training for professionals in safe clinical practices and risk management.
- Comply with all applicable legal requirements, those of the applicable certifications and accreditations and others established by the organization.
V11. June 2024
Ribera understands energy management as a fundamental part of the organization's strategy aimed at improving the sustainability of the system.
Ribera defines the energy strategy in a corporate way to later adapt it locally in each of the health Organizations in which it has management responsibility.
Hospitals are facilities with high energy consumption due to the nature of their activity, since they operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and knowing how to efficiently manage resources is essential. For this reason, the challenge is to improve energy efficiency, thus improving economic and environmental management.
In this sense, Ribera will maintain a corporate team destined to define the global strategy of the organization. Said team will be completed with local leaders in each of the areas of action.
Policy definition
Ribera is committed to its energy policy:
- Comply with legal and other applicable energy requirements.
- Establish objectives and strategic goals to improve energy efficiency.
- Support the acquisition of energy efficient products and services that have an impact on energy performance.
- Promote design improvement for better energy performance.
- Improve the competence of professionals in responsible use of energy resources.
- Improve the sustainability and environmental management of the system by reducing costs related to energy consumption.
- Provide the information and resources necessary to achieve the objectives and strategic goals.
V11. June 2024
Ribera, a health group with more than 25 years of experience working for the health and well-being of the population it serves through its responsible health model, has as one of its basic principles and fundamental objectives the commitment to guarantee the adequate safe and healthy working conditions based on the elimination, reduction and control of occupational risks for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of the health of all the people who work in the group. For this, it undertakes to comply with the established legal obligations, which will be considered as the minimum level of action.
The objective is the active and effective prevention, within the legal framework, of the risks that the work activity may cause in the Health and Safety of the people who work in Ribera, as well as the companies that collaborate externally, adapting it to nature. and magnitude of risks.
Policy definition
Ribera's policy on Occupational Risk Prevention assumes the following principles:
- To integrate preventive activity in all levels and performances, providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and health problems.
- Establish a Occupational Risk Prevention Management System (SGPRL) that it has the appropriate means to achieve its ends.
- Integrate in the SGPRL a Gender approach, especially in the identification of hazards, the evaluation and control of risks with la consultation and participation of people workers, adopting corrective measures when necessary.
- monitor the health of its professionals as a fundamental part of controlling the effectiveness of the SGPRL.
- Analysis and determination of actions aimed at eliminate hazards and reduce risks for Occupational Health and Safety, including the causes of incidents and accidents at work for the implementation of appropriate corrective actions.
- Achieve the legal requirements applicable and with those requirements that Ribera voluntarily subscribes, related to Occupational Health and Safety, establishing the necessary tools for its updating and evaluation.
- Promote preventive culture and promote actions that are not limited to the simple correction of detected risk actions, but that actively contribute to the continuous improvement of working conditions.
- Develop activities of information and training aimed at promoting greater knowledge of the risks derived from work and the preventive measures to adopt, as well as a sense of responsibility with the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
- Develop, document, apply and keep the SGPRL updated, periodically verifying its effectiveness as the basis of the commitment for a continuous improvement.
- Promote and create a culture of respect for workers' rest time by guaranteeing the right to digital disconnection.
V11. June 2024
JCI accreditation It is a model that guarantees the quality of attention to the person throughout the entire process and always reaches the whole of an organization. At Ribera Salud we are proud to be and are committed to continuing to be Join Commission.
The Accreditation of healthcare centers is the recognition that a center meets optimal levels of quality, based on the external and independent evaluation of the entire center, taking as a reference standards derived from scientific and technical consensus, publicly disseminated and, therefore, previously known by the organizations.
The Joint Commission is today the most experienced accreditation organization in the world. It has been dedicated to improving the quality and safety of healthcare and social healthcare organizations for more than 50 years.
At Ribera Salud we are people who take care of people who are highly committed to continuous improvement. For this reason, our University Hospitals of Vinalopó and Povisa are accredited with the JCI seal. In addition, the health centers of the Vinalopó Health Department also met quality standards and are Joint Commission centers.
go to the website
Ribera is a company committed to its environment, aware that each of its actions and decisions can influence its employees, society and all those with whom it interacts, which is why Ribera is fully involved with Compliance.
For Ribera, Compliance It is not limited to compliance with applicable legislation and the company's internal regulations, but also includes adherence to the highest ethical standards and professional conduct. It forms the basis for all your activities, tactical business development decisions, culture and long-term strategic objectives.
This commitment is materialized in the Ethical code, is the main norm of the group that offers a guide to professional conductIn which manifests the rechazo in the face of behaviors that may involve regulatory breaches, corrupt practices or any other form of crime, lack of ethics or professional misconduct.
You can find our code below, which applies to all entities, companies, or business activities managed by Ribera, and to all professionals linked by employment relationship of any kind with our group.